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HomeJoining Agreement

Pre Register

Members must meet eligibility requirements and agree to the guidelines listed below.

The FSRSD membership team will review your online application and provide you with instructions for next steps. We look forward to your participation in the FSRSD and feel confident that your membership and active involvement will significantly enhance your desire to grow or start your supplier diversity program!

Financial Services Roundtable for Supplier Diversity Membership


The Financial Services Roundtable for Supplier Diversity, Inc. (FSRSD) is comprised of regional, national and global financial services companies with a supplier diversity initiative.


To strengthen the Supplier Diversity initiatives of companies within the financial services industry.

Value to Member Companies

The industry as well as member companies benefit from:
  • benchmarking
  • sharing best practices
  • supplier introductions and referrals
  • development of industry specific requirements
  • best practice dialogue
  • other committee initiatives


Members agree to abide by the policies and procedures stated within the FSRSD Member Handbook.


To facilitate open dialog among members, participants agree that details regarding discussions will not be made public, particularly with regard to company-specific information. Members may use general information derived from these discussions internally to strengthen their own program; however, company-specific information should not be shared internally unless that company agrees.

Content originated by FSRSD is for private use by the FSRSD and not to be shared with outside organizations, industry groups or others unless permission is voted upon by the members of the FSRSD and written approval is given by all FSRSD officers.

At no time shall pricing discussions take place among FSRSD members.

Membership Eligibility Requirements

Membership in the FSRSD is open to companies in the financial services industry with an interest in supplier diversity that are:
  1. A company incorporated or doing business as a bank, insurance company, brokerage house, credit card company (or issuer of bank cards), investment service firm, including private equity and venture capital.
  2. At least 80% of a financial services company’s business offerings must be dedicated to providing financial services to consumers and/or their revenue generated from non-financial services institutional or government clients. The products sold by the company should have broad appeal outside of the financial services industry with the exception of quasi-government institutions such as, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in which many financial services companies have to utilize their products and services.
  3. At least one (1) employee whose role includes responsibility for supplier diversity and be a national or regional corporate member of at least one (1) corporate member-based diverse supplier advocacy group that certifies diverse firms (i.e. NMSDC, WBENC, NGLCC).


All membership requests are reviewed and approved by the FSRSD Board of Directors and the Membership Committee. An appointed FSRSD designee shall conduct an interview to ensure the company is an appropriate fir for membership and the potential new member agrees to abide by member expectations. Applicants who are denied membership into FSRSD may request a meeting with the Board of Directors and the Membership Committee to review the factors that led to the denial. Membership can be denied or revoked for cause at any time, as stated in the FSRSD Membership Handbook.

Member Expectations

1. Financial contribution
  • Members must agree to provide annual financial support to the FSRSD as determined by FSRSD Board of Directors, currently $2,500. Monies will fund the FSRSD website, activities or events such as general body meetings, the FSRSD Networking Reception, Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) Summit or other activities
  • FSRSD memberships are on a per company basis and are for the period of twelve (12) months. Membership begins the day the company is approved for membership by FSRSD. A sixty (60) day grace period is allowed for members paying by corporate check. Membership automatically renews annually on the anniversary date as long as the annual fees are paid. Failure to pay the annual fees within a timely basis will result in suspensions of one's membership.
  • Contributions / membership fees are non-refundable.
2. Meeting attendance
  • Attend at least 50% of general body meetings. Four meetings will be held each year as well as other special events, as agreed upon by the FSRSD General Body, such as the CPO Summit. Quarterly meetings are as follows:
    • 1st Quarter (March) - WBENC National Conference
    • 2nd Quarter (May)  - Virtual
    • 3rd Quarter (July) - Virtual
    • 4th Quarter (October) - NMSDC National Conference
  • Members are encouraged to attend each meeting in person to establish dialogue and interaction among members. Conference line access will be available for general body meetings to accommodate those unable to travel to meetings. Conference line access may not be available for Summits.
3. Committee participation
  • All FSRSD members are required to participate in at least one working committee and attend at least 50% of those committee meetings
  • Working committees of the FSRSD are
    • Benchmarking & Best Practices
    • Executive
    • Finance
    • Marketing & Communications
    • Membership Outreach & Partnerships
    • CPO Dialogue
    • Supplier Development
    • Research & Education
* Completing the FSRSD application does not guarantee membership with FSRSD. All applications are reviewed by the membership committee. Notification of membership status will be communicated within 30 days of the application.